Our Mission:


The Leader Foundry is dedicated to identifying and developing the next generation of leaders through scholarship and mentorship opportunities.


Our Mission

The Leader Foundry is dedicated to identifying and developing the next generation of leaders through scholarship and mentorship opportunities.

We are a group of like-minded individuals at an Automotive OEM who decided we could make a difference in the lives of local students by providing support and care for those who are under-served.

We believe that by removing financial roadblocks and providing experienced guidance, many future leaders who may not otherwise graduate college and provide a greater impact to their community.

Learn More

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Our Partners


Jalen Rose Leadership Academy - Detroit, MI

“Our evolution and growth of the Curriculum and Capstone Project structure has enabled the Leader Foundry to teach Leadership to High School Scholars in a way that allows them to give back to their community, multiply their impact, establish their legacy, and support their future education goals.  It has truly been a pleasure to work with and learn from these Scholars as we make each other better leaders with every session and interaction.”


Oakland University

“Aspire, Advance, Achieve”



International technical academy - Pontiac, MI

The mission of the International Technology Academy is to foster an environment in which all students can reach their maximum potential.

At ITA we will provide academically and ethnically diverse experiences in which students use critical thinking and collaboration skills to become global citizens with integrity and professionalism.


Partner with Leaderfoundry

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Leader Foundry Mentoring Program

Starting in 2020, the Leader Foundry partnered with Jalen Rose Leadership Academy in Detroit, MI to deliver leadership seminars on:

  • Why leadership matters

  • Knowing and Playing to your Strengths

  • Adapt, Change and Grow

  • Shine Light on Others

In addition to delivering the materials live to students, Leader Foundry has donated books to go along with each topic for 23 students.  The curriculum includes a capstone, where Leader Foundry will financially sponsor to execute the project.  Lastly, mentors from Leader Foundry will be conducting a presentation workshop prior to students creating a presentation for a chance to win scholarships to their desired post-high school education.  We believe our seminars, resources and workshop play a leading role in shaping the minds of these inner city students for success.


We also partnered with the Emerging Leaders program at Oakland University to deliver leadership seminars on:

  • Purposeful Leadership (2020)

  • Inclusion (2021)

We believe these seminars bring real-world experiences to students. 

For the 2022 school year we are excited to include a new partnership with Pontiac Technical High School!


October 2022

“The Leader Foundry has been instrumental in assisting our scholars with mentorship opportunities and college scholarships. It is a privilege to work with their team to develop the next generation of leaders as we strive to improve the educational landscape in Detroit,” said Jalen Rose, Founder of the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy.

Jalen Rose /



October 2022

“The Leader Foundry has afforded me an opportunity to partner with committed community leaders like Jalen Rose in the mentorship of the next generation of leaders”

Tim Herrick, Founder and Chief Executive Officer /


October 2022

“As the founder of the Leader Foundry, I find it extremely rewarding to know that the recipients of our program will be successful in their life pursuits”

Tim Herrick, Founder and Chief Executive Officer /


December 2022

“The Oakland University community has benefited from a strong partnership with the Leader Foundry since 2019. The Leader Foundry provides our students with leadership skills training, mentorship, and scholarships to support their educational, career and leadership aspirations.”

-Glenn McIntosh, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs & Chief Diversity Officer / Oakland University


December 2022

“We are grateful to the Leader Foundry team for their passion for education and commitment to OU students, providing valuable skills and hands-on support to help them be competitive and successful.”

-Lynn Fisher, Director of Philanthropy, Student Affairs & Diversity / Oakland University


December 2022

“….I have been a part of leader founder for two years and it has definitely put a great impact on the person I am today. I have put the things that I learned in my day-to-day life teaching others how to be malleable and the concepts of what being a leader mean.

-Kylah Kiel, Student at the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy (Detroit, MI)


December 2022

“Our evolution and growth of the Curriculum and Capstone Project structure has enabled the Leader Foundry to teach Leadership to High School Scholars in a way that allows them to give back to their community, multiply their impact, establish their legacy, and support their future education goals.  It has truly been a pleasure to work with and learn from these Scholars as we make each other better leaders with every session and interaction.”

Nathan Wilmot - Leader Foundry Director of Curriculum


December 2022

“The Leader Foundry Curriculum, focused on the intersection of Metal Properties and Leadership Properties, has enabled our team to connect with High School Scholars on a personal level and hopefully make a lasting impact on their lives and community.”


Our Team


Timothy Herrick

Founder - Chief Executive Officer

Toure Lee

Chief Financial Officer


Shibin Chacko

Chief Operations Officer

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Nathan Wilmot

Outreach Strategy


Ryan Calkin



Stephanie Jones

Outreach Strategy

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Scott Dixon

Russ O’Blenes

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Richard Davies

Fundraiser Director


Daniel Dokter

Assistant Director


Tressia Mills


William Cook III


Vernon Newhouse


Phillip Lewis jr

Chief Information Officer


Join our cause

Highlighted below are the ways that you can engage with the Leader Foundry.
Consider partnering with Leader Foundry signing up for a program.
Volunteer with the Leader Foundry via the below link.
Consider financially supporting the Leader Foundry by clicking the Donate button below.


Make a Donation

100% of donations goes towards the Scholar’s programs and scholarships.

Volunteer opportunities

If you’re passionate about Leadership and our Youth please click below to apply.

Sign up for a program

If you’d like for Leader Foundry to partner with your school please contact us here.